Sunday, December 23, 2012

Denver Post Article Highlights Shift from "Mormon Moment" to Saints' Century

The Denver Post website posted today an article by religion editor Electa Draper, "LDS scholars: 'Mormon moment' could expand into cultural shift." (It will probably appear in today's or, more likely, tomorrow's print edition.) The article is based to a large extent on a detailed interview that Ms. Draper conducted with me in November; it also reproduces a diagram from my recent book, The Rise of the Mormons: Latter-day Saint Growth in the 21st Century (available in paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon; and in paperback from Barnes & Noble online).

This is no mere puff-piece. Ms. Draper also presents material from interviews and statements of other people, including the president of American Atheists.

All in all, this is a fine reading experience. Enjoy.

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I discuss the growth of the Church of Jesus Christ in my book, The Rise of the Mormons, published by Seventh Street Books. (Described here, available here.)

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